Custom Applications
Providing custom Storage/ Containment Equipment Solutions to suit all job-site requirements
Serving clients all over North America.
Extended Chain Link Enclosures
Designed for secondary containment of hazardous chemicals including secure caged compartments for non-compatible materials. Multi-purpose and cost-effective solutions for all your storage needs.
Injection Building
Provides customized secondary fluid containment, self-contained emergency shower facility, and is designed to incorporate employee safety with compliance to required codes including building, fire, and electrical standards, including ANSI and OH&S.
Battery Storage & Charging
Designed to withstand explosion, fire, environmental and health hazards associated with recharging batteries & neutralizing battery acid.
Modular Relocatable Oil Laboratories
As an industry for runner in specialized fabrication, Pro-Guard’s modular oil laboratories is unsurpassed, in its ingenious code-compliant designed to the following specifications.
Pro-Guard laboratory modules are supplied with mechanical ventilation per NFPA30 and are Skid mounted heavy-gauge steel constructed custom configurations, with a seamless vinyl floor of ¾” fir plywood. Interior walls are vinyl covered and all interior partitions are ceiling height.
The insulated enclosure is complete with HVAC compliant to ANSI/ASHRAE 55 “Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy”; Structural environmental Loads per NBCC 2012; NEC compliant custom electrical options; and ANSI – Z358-1 Emergency Eye Wash station/shower complete with mixing valve.
Process Rooms
Designed to reduce risk of spill or contamination by centrally locating hazardous fluid transfer, hazardous bulk dispensing and chemical processing over secured secondary containment.
Pressure Test Enclosed
Designed for testing equipment up to 15,000 psi with equipment rated up to 20,000 psi. Includes isolated operators cubicle, designed for maximum protection of employees. Portable and self-contained PTE’s require only water and power connections. Autoclave Equipment certified - 20,000 psi. Gantry Crane & Hoist - tested to 4000 lbs. Independent third-party certification.
Warm-Up Building Enclosures
Designed to provide employee protection from the harshest weather conditions and can be located in the most restricted and classified sites, thus reducing downtime and increasing productivity. They offer modular relocation, meet the building codes and comply with the standards for employee safety.
Pro-Guard Blast Resistant Modules
Made out of heavy gauge steel plate, PRO-GUARD BRM’s can be used from applications as simple as lunch room/offices to onsite analytical laboratories and can be situated within the most restricted, classified sites found in refineries and upgrader facilities.
Pro-Guard Tote Stands
Made out of 10 gauge steel plate, PRO-GUARD Tote Stands are used for mounting Totes for ease of dispensing and to contain any spills. Includes anchor tabs and forklift pockets.
Emergency Shower/Combination Storage Unit
The partitioned area can be used for anything from storage of products and chemicals to a Medical Treatment area or control room. We can provide a sump for containment or checker plate flooring for personnel.
Serving clients all over North America.